Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dating: How Men and Women Differ When it Comes to Commitment

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. This is obviously an exaggeration- but how much of a stretch is it really?

When it comes to commitment, men and women are worlds apart. Totally different. Which is frustrating and oh-so freaking annoying- which is why I'll help clear it up for you.

When it comes to making a commitment in a relationship, what matters for women is WHO they are committing to. A woman can be working her way up the corporate ladder, moving cities, and dealing with family problems all at the same time- but if the right man comes into her life, she will be willing to make time for a committed relationship with him. That is just how women are. Which is awesome- we know how important love and relationships are to our well-being and happiness.

But for men- they have to be ready and at the right point in their lives to make a commitment to a relationship. They are all about WHEN. Even if a man meets Ms. Wonderful- the most beautiful, exciting woman he has ever met- if he is in a bad place in his career, having family or personal issues, you can bet your bottom dollar he won't be making any sort of big commitments to her. Which is awesome in it's own right too- because this generally ensures that a man will be in a good place personally before he really brings another person into his world.

It seems, though, that almost every woman has been in a relationship with a man she is just crazy about- and can not understand for the life of her, why he will not make the kind of commitment she is looking for... whether that be moving in together, marriage, or simply monogamy. Or worse, you get out of a relationship with Mr. Commitment-Phobe.. and then a year later, he gets engaged. WTF.

But it's all about timing baby- it ain't you. What you really need to figure out is if Mr. Right REALLY is the right one for you... and how long you are willing to wait to find out.

Thanks for reading, Good luck and Happy Dating! :)

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